Monday, October 15, 2012

All you need is love

All You Need Is Love

I Believe in love. Love everyone, even love your enemies. Love is the answer for the world today.

Projeckt 52-Woche 17-Book Love
I’ve always been in a loving family. My parents tell me every day that they love me. I’ve never know what life is like without love, but I’ve been places where there is no love. I’ve seen hungry and beaten children. Children who don’t want to go home because the are afraid. Home for them is no where. I’ve heard stories about people with nothing to live for because no one has ever shown them love. I walk down the streets of my city and I see people begging. Not for money or food. But for love. My little brother has a rule that even if you have nothing to give a homeless person you can give them a smile. A smile makes them smile, and might make their day just a little bit brighter. That smile is their love for the day. If everyone showed loved, even just a smile, lives could be changed.

Love is not just a word. Love is more that saying ‘I love you”. You have to mean it with your whole being. Who you are has to reflect love. You are love. Loving everyone means loving your enemies. Loving your enemies is probably the best thing you can ever do, but I promise that its the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. When you love the people who hate you most, you show them that life is about more than yourself. It shows that you are strong and confident. Its shows that you are real, you’re the person that anyone can trust and rely on. You’re the shoulder to cry on. If you love your enemies, maybe one day you won’t have any enemies, yet the people who like you least are the people who wish they could love like you love. Love everyone. Love the sick, love the needy, the homeless, the rich, the jerks, the unpopular and the popular. Because looking through the eyes of love there is no difference between people. There is just love, and everyone longs for love.


  1. this is soo true i really like it

  2. Hi Macey, Morgan here. I really LOVED your essay! It totally fit you and your personality. I can tell that you really live by this belief because you are so loving to everyone, even people you may not always get along with and thats what i LOVE about you! This was a great essay and i really like your picture too! Props to Projeckt 52

  3. I agree with you about loving everyone, even your enimies. Sometimes it's hard to do, but the world will be better for it. I think that everyone deserves people that love them and help them through things. I can tell you have a big heart and you will affect many people in positive ways. I love your essay and you have great word choices!

  4. Macey, this essay is amazing. On a bad day where nothing is going right, I always know I have a loving family there for me. My family will always give me the love and care I need and without it, I wouldn't be who I am today. Showing people love, is showing them there really are people who care.


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