Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Impact Teachers Have On Students

McKenna Tobias

Oct 10, 2012

English 11
2nd Hour
The Impact Teachers Have On Students
Teacher / Manager between chair and desk by palomaironique - Teacher or Manager between chair and desk - Enseignant ou Directeur entre une chaise et un bureau - Lehrer oder Manager zwischen Stuhl und Schreibtisch - Docente o Manager tra sedia e scrivania
Teacher adn desk @
      I believe teachers who spend their time helping students individually, will impact those students lives.There are times as a student, that I feel like a teacher is speaking foreign to me. A teacher needs to be able to connect with the students and put all their effort to help students understand. Teachers have what I think is the most important job, they are helping make the pathway to our futures. Without them, we will never be able to accomplish as much as we will when we get older. As a student, you can tell what teachers put forth all their effort and really care about your education. A teacher can really change a students perspective of learning
In some classes, it is easier trying to teach myself then the teachers trying to. I’ve had teachers that had no plan of what we were going to do that day. Its hard to learn when your teacher doesn’t put any time into helping the students they have and, without teachers putting in the effort, its hard to get students to. I hate having a “lazy” teachers, these are the teachers that expect you to learn from a worksheet. They don’t get out of there seats and explain it in a way us students will relate to. These are the teachers that put all the work online and they expect you to understand it. How do they expect us to put the work and effort in when they aren’t?
A teachers has to make activities and interact with students, they can’t just give you notes and expect you to completely understand. These teachers are helping us to get to what we want to be as we grow up. They can help you get through high-school and onto college. They help you accomplish so much through your lifetime.
Thanks to the teachers that dedicate their time to us, we will get somewhere in our lives. All the blame isn’t on the teachers though, they cant help students that don’t want to be helped and, there is nothing teachers can do for them but try. The students who want to succeed, need the teachers help. They need the teachers to guide them and to get them the education they need for the future. Teachers can change the way students learn by putting in the time and effort. They can be the ones to change how students feel towards school.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Best Friends

Best Friends

I believe in friendship. I believe that everyone deserves a best friend and no one should have to go through many of life’s tragedies by themselves. In your lifetime you meet many new people and some you will never see again, but there is those select few that empower your life and change you. They help shape who you are and influence your actions, beliefs, and personality. Most of “these people” are the ones we call friends. Friends will always have your back.They are the ones that will always remember your birthday, favorite holidays, favorite color, even your favorite drink. And they will always, always lend a shoulder when you may need one.
"Best Friends" By Bunches and Bits {Karina} (Flickr)
Ever since my eighth grade year history class, my best friend has stuck with me through thick and thin. We’ve been through almost everything together, and without her I’m not sure what I’d do. Our looks are completely different. I’m tall, brunette and have big brown eyes. She’s short, blonde, and has hazel eyes. Whatever one of us do not have, the other makes up for it. The one thing we do have in common is we’re crazy. Especially together! That’s what makes us unique though. Every summer we spend almost everyday together. Every morning we wake up early and get ready to spend it at the beach soaking in the sun and jumping off the pier. In the afternoon we walk back home, grab a lunch, and take a quick nap. Then we’ll get ready to spend the night at the carnaval with new friends we make. Almost every night we see things that we are forever lucky to see in our lifetime. Throughout spending so much time together, it made us become that much closer. We share things we would never share with anyone else, and we become closer every year. Friends will forever change your life, and i’m glad mine are. It’s the things that we will look back on when we are old and wrinkly, the times that we shared, and all of the crazy things we did.
I believe in friends. Best friends, new friends, old friends, and all, because they are what truly make our lives enriched and worth living. You should be proud of who you are and the friends you make.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Music Makes the World Go 'Round

Music Makes the World Go ‘Round
I believe in music.
            Music makes the world go ‘round. It is a language that everyone knows and speaks in their own way. Music is also a language of love. It’s a way that anyone in the world can connect and understand each other. It can be interpreted in almost any way, so anyone can relate the music to themselves.
           Music is a connecter. It gives a people an excuse to express themselves. Two completely opposite people that look different, dress different, or have completely different beliefs can have the same connection to music as each other. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from, or what you believe. Music is always there for everyone to connect with each other and bond over.

"An Old Piano" Photo By Mourner
            For me, music is a way to speak my mind. My father always taught me to express myself through music. It doesn’t matter if I’m happy, sad, excited or frustrated; Stick me in front of a piano and I can sing a song that in some way relates to my feelings. Sometimes I try to think of a feeling that doesn’t relate to any song I know in some way, but the wide variety of songs I love leaves me puzzled. That’s the nice thing about music. Not only is it another language but it is also relatable. There is a song for every feeling and emotion you can imagine. You can also write your own feelings and make it into your own beautiful song.                               
            Without music there would be no way to express yourself. No way to let people know who you really are or how you really feel. Music, for some people, is the only thing that gets them through the day. It’s the only thing they have left. Music is the one thing they hold close to their heart. I believe in music because I know it is always there for me when friends or family aren’t. It’s the only thing we have to fall back on. The one place we are able to get lost in our love of music and let go of the crazy and chaotic world around us. This is why I believe in music. I believe in being able to express yourself without all the judgment. I believe in communicating your feelings and emotions through a beautiful melody. I believe in music.

This i Beleive Essay God

Blake Wiggers
2nd Hour -English

I was taught about God at a young age. I have learned so many things about him.
I believe that God is good. I believe that God helps you through the hard times that
you have throughout your life.  I believe that God will answer you when you pray to him in
those hard times. I believe that is what faith is. 

     My faith grew when my grandpa died. My faith grew because when I lost my 

grandpa I did not know what to do.  I didn't think I could go on.  My Grandpa and I 
were so close and he did everything with me. He came over to our house almost
every day and ate dinner with us and visited.  He also spoiled me with everything you
can imagine.  One of my most favorite memories was at Easter time when he bought 
my sister and I a huge Little Tikes tugboat, he strapped it to the roof of his car and drove 
in our driveway with it and he filled it with Easter candy.  That was my Grandpa, he always
went way out for me.  He never came over without something for me.   Maybe some ice cream or a candy bar or a pack of gum.  But he never came without anything.  I loved my Grandpa so much.  I prayed so hard to God to help me get over losing him.  If it wasn't for God I would not have been able to get through losing him.

People don’t believe in something unless they can see it or touch it. When you
have faith you believe in something without being able to touch it or see it. That is why faith 
is so powerful. To believe in God you have to have faith because you can’t see him or touch him.  You only have the bible to read to guide you. I believe God is always there to guide and protect you through trouble and hard times in your life. I believe that everyone should believe in God, because he will always be there for you.   I am a example, because he helped me.  So I know he can help others too.  He will always be your friend even if you do not have any friends. He is always there in good times and bad. And he will always love you no matter what.

       God sent his only son to suffer and die on the cross and rise from the dead. He

paid the price for our sins. That is what grace is. God says whoever believes in me will be
saved and have eternal life with him in heaven. Where there is no more worry and
no more pain. I feel better knowing that my Grandpa is in heaven having fun and is in no more pain.  He loved us that much, that he died for us. He is such an awesome God.
In heaven there is only happiness and joy and beautiful things. So much happiness we
cannot even imagine. There will not be sickness or evil anymore.
Glen's Pics
God gives us these important verses in the Bible to help us. When we need help we can read these verses and find comfort and strength. This gets us through hard and troubled
times that we have every day and week.  I have turned to these often and these are some of my favorite quotes: “For with God nothing shall be impossible” -Luke 1:36. Another one is “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” - Acts 16:31. 

All you need is love

All You Need Is Love

I Believe in love. Love everyone, even love your enemies. Love is the answer for the world today.

Projeckt 52-Woche 17-Book Love
I’ve always been in a loving family. My parents tell me every day that they love me. I’ve never know what life is like without love, but I’ve been places where there is no love. I’ve seen hungry and beaten children. Children who don’t want to go home because the are afraid. Home for them is no where. I’ve heard stories about people with nothing to live for because no one has ever shown them love. I walk down the streets of my city and I see people begging. Not for money or food. But for love. My little brother has a rule that even if you have nothing to give a homeless person you can give them a smile. A smile makes them smile, and might make their day just a little bit brighter. That smile is their love for the day. If everyone showed loved, even just a smile, lives could be changed.

Love is not just a word. Love is more that saying ‘I love you”. You have to mean it with your whole being. Who you are has to reflect love. You are love. Loving everyone means loving your enemies. Loving your enemies is probably the best thing you can ever do, but I promise that its the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. When you love the people who hate you most, you show them that life is about more than yourself. It shows that you are strong and confident. Its shows that you are real, you’re the person that anyone can trust and rely on. You’re the shoulder to cry on. If you love your enemies, maybe one day you won’t have any enemies, yet the people who like you least are the people who wish they could love like you love. Love everyone. Love the sick, love the needy, the homeless, the rich, the jerks, the unpopular and the popular. Because looking through the eyes of love there is no difference between people. There is just love, and everyone longs for love.